Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pagan council meeting 2007

Pagan Conference 2007

This is about the Pagan Council conference from a personal perspective and not all the info and minutes of what came out of the meeting. Luke and co will be providing all that soon.

It was a perfect day – the sun was shining, the birds were singing and all that was missing were some nymphs running across the garden with pan pipes. Everyone had arrived with an amazing positive attitude and some were wearing some really colourful attire and the over all effect was one of pure magick.

The room was arranged in a double layer horse shoe. Ideally it should have been a round table but there was not space but at least this way it showed the same aspect of fairness for all. Including the chair there were 61 persons in total which I think is a pretty impressive turnout.

Anyway I was one of the last to arrive – all excited and wearing my best rose quartz hoping for peace and productive solutions. I would say from the way things went – not only did my rose quartz work but every other Pagan had done something similar.

Luke chaired the whole thing in a professional manner. There was no fighting, arguing, going off on long tangents in the wrong direction or anything. We also had two black people there who both spoke and were very interesting. I found Pepsile particularly inspiring and she had a lot of important things to say. She also mentioned about making sacrifices and fighting for what you believe in – even to the point of blood sacrifice. She nominated Damon for this and great peels of laughter rang out through the hall. She really does have a lovely sense of humour as well as a spirit of fire.

Then came along Dr Matshekga – a far more serious man who was very enlightening on the African spiritual movement and government points of view. Bottom line folks – the government is going to put down the extra laws whether we think it is necessary or not and the options are come along for the ride and help us make this law or you can miss the boat all together. Sharon kindly pointed out the African spirituality can be found on – which is on my hit list of places to visit this week J

In between this were much needed smoke breaks (even though I don’t smoke the fresh air was very welcome along with the chance to grab some caffeine). Lunch was vegan – a pretty effective way to not offend anybody’s option in food. From the eating point of view from somebody who can’t wait to gnosh down a plate of pig in some form or another – it was a bit distressing to the gullet. The choc chip muffins turned out pretty nice but I heard that the fake meat balls were pretty much a hostile take over on the pallet J As we were not there for the food I don’t think it’s neither here nor there anyway and there certainly was plenty of it available.

I really enjoyed the breaks because it gave me chance to meet some new people and to put faces to people I have been dealing with over email only and of course a chance to see old friends again.

As a stark raving hugaholic the thing I like most about gatherings is the chance to hug as many people as humanly possible – so I was in my element. And for all those like me – get hold of Luke – great hug and he wears the most fabulous after shave.

As a momento of the conference we all got blue stained glass hand made gifts and I was most honoured when they asked me to hand them out. It was a great way to also identify who was who in the zoo – especially amongst those who don’t have big mouths like I do J Incase you didn’t recognize the shape – it is the heart of a pentagram just as the Pagan meeting is supposed to represent the heart of Paganism.

Now let me share the story behind them. Luke had decided a momento was a good idea and Enmarie was commissioned to do it as she is a very arty person and makes stunning things in stained glass. Then along comes her boss and ships her off all over the country and it’s the day before the conference and no gifts. So she picks up myself and Damon from the airport and trots us off half way around Jhb making last minute arrangements and check ups on the conference. We get home and order pizzas, catch up on a bit of gossip and then its work time. Des and John got roped into it along with me and Damon – the resident guests. Now Damon is very artistic – and makes beautiful pottery. Me on the other hand – I can’t even draw a straight line with a ruler. So here is a bunch of none skilled glass people and Enmarie trying to finish everything before the morning light comes. I have to confess at 3.30am I bailed out on them – but as my job was foiling I did get the opportunity to run away. The others – bless their cotton socks – worked the whole night through. We did finish by morning. They might not be perfect but they were made in perfect love and we really did put our souls into doing it J

We elected the 5 representatives plus a reserve and as one of the people who was watching the voting I can say it was fair and democratic. David from The Grove and Cajun from CAM were both like two hawks – nothing got past their eyes and there were still others over seeing it all. Ten people volunteered and I can say that everyone got a large amount of votes – though the outstanding hightest vote went to Luke. There were 61 voters and 60 votes went to Luke. I was fuming about who was the insensitive twit who dared not vote in this wonderful man – when it suddenly dawned on me that he hadn’t voted for himself J Infact if he had not been made to stand up he would not have even stood for election – because he is such a modest person.

The conference had two of the most well known Pagans in South Africa – Donna Vos and Mynie Geldenhys open and close. Donna opened and immediately showed some of that lovely wicked sense of humour she has and had us rolling with laughter. Mynie closed off with some very sentimental and poignant comments and I think both did their jobs particularly well.

But the person I have the most praise for is Luke Martin. Firstly him and his group have achieved something that I would have thought impossible to do – got all the leaders around one table (or at least in one hall) and hosted it in a professional and impeccable manner. I think he managed this because he is a genuine and fair man. He is not doing this for personal gain and power but because he sees a greater future for Pagans and when you listen to him speak you can see the picture for yourself. From the bottom of my heart I thank Luke for this day and the way he ran it. (and of course his lovely wife for every sucessful man has a great woman behind him)

After the conference many people went home – it had been a very long day and there was lots of info to digest. Poor Morgause tried to keep up by hand and I think she may have enough writer’s cramp to last 3 days looking at the amount she had on her desk.

But some of us opted to renew our faith in food and ran to restaurants. I was invited to go to both the Cats Pyjamas and Piccolinos. Anyone who has ever read my face book page will know I just love Italian – so favourite food – here I come J

I got there and got chance to meet up with Bronwen – somebody who has been one of my closest friends on email but had never met in real life. What a treat and naturally she is as wonderful in real life as on email.

Talking email friends – it brings me to face book – all those not on – do yourselves a favour and check it out– it is a fabulous medium for communication and it gets read far more than anyone realizes – and much to Martin’s shock he found we had all eyed him out and noticed the hair cut since his photos was taken J

I think that is the one thing we really all learned from here – communication is essential. Always keep the lines of communications open and your heart open to new ideas and suggestions – and it will pave a way for the Pagan community to grow and to blossom.

To all those there I wish you much love and light – and to all those who were not there – I hope we represented you in a way that makes you proud to be Pagan. For me I have to say that attending the conference made me immensely Proud to be Pagan and glad to call these wonderful people my friends.

Brightest Blessings


Monday, August 13, 2007


Ok it's Monday and I am having a Garfield day. Feeling sorry for myself cos I can't shake this miserable flu and it's getting worse by the day. Robbie cheered me up though by sending me 3 donkies, two pumpkins and a garden gnome for my facebook garden - done in the same style as the Badger mushroom song from which is one of our long standing favourite jokes. The South African Pagan Council are having the very first all group meeting in South Africa on 8 September in Johannesburg. I am going of course. Cannot wait to see some old friends and to meet some new ones. It's also Jimmy's birthday on the 9th so I will no doubt have supper with him - I think we are past the wild parties these days. Now we tend to remember when we used to stay at the Doors until sunrise and if we see sunrise these days its because we got up early. The mind is willing but the body is unable :)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Americans get it wrong

I am wondering if Americans ever think there are Pagans in South Africa even. I have been reading several righteous comments about Traditional African Witchcraft - mostly pretty inaccurate actually and not well researched. It would appear that Americans think this is the only witchcraft there is in South Africa - and it's not at all like Wicca in America. Hello America!!! there are plenty of Wiccans in South Africa too. I even read one racist twit try to make this into a black/ white issue stating there are more Black Witches and that whites should butt out of this. Wrong again - to be a Traditional African Witch (what ever colour you may be) is something secretive and probably not a very large number at all. Pagans, Wiccans and Witches on the other hand (who are all colours) happen to exist in large numbers and are very open about practicing witchcraft. Yes it is a totally different kind of witchcraft but thanks to the English language using one description fits all. If anything the Traditional African Witchcraft is actually the minority here and the poor sangomas and traditional healers are actually taking the brunt of the whole badly proposed witchcraft supression Act. And those are the good guys.

Face Book

Well I have given into the new fad - Face book. I can see why it is addictive. I can find all the Pagans and Pagan groups I could possibly want. Am currently having fun with Filth Book - a 500 question questionaire Purity Test. There are so many things on it I still yet have to achieve - hope I don't end up prissy :) Have found a group against the Mpumalanga Witchraft Supression Bill and also a group of just Pagans. It is so weird to see people by the real names though instead of their craft names - I don't hardly recognize them.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Should Pagans have Plastic Surgery

I have lots of friends from different circles - some who are so Earth orientated they do not even have electricity. Others have mansions and regularly have plastic surgery - a face lift here and there - a tummy tuck. One has even had lipo suction. It made me think - if we are natural children of Mother Earth - should we consider plastic surgery. If the answer is yes - then how far is acceptable - removing of bags under the eyes - a nose job if you have a huge conk. If the answer is no - what about those kids who have big noses and skew teeth. Would a nose job and orthopedic dentistry be a good thing which would give them self confidence or would it be a bad thing that teaches people to move away from nature and into the plastic shallow self indulgent realm. Would plastic surgery be more of a new age thing rather than a Pagan thing?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Ok this is not Pagan - its self pity - got flu and coughing my lungs out and decided rather than feel sorry for me - be glad I don't have mesothelioma - I hear you say - what? Well here is what wikipedia says about it

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and chest cavity), but it may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity) or the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart).

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fibre in other ways, such as by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos, or by home renovation using asbestos cement products. Unlike lung cancer, there is no association between mesothelioma and smoking.

Now my flu looks really paltry and I can stop whining :)

First Attempt

Ok - here goes. Firstly I have no idea what I am really doing. Just tackled my own website - using a website builder and now I'm ready to expand into a little more technology. It's fun to play around and see if I can do it.

Right now most of my thoughts are focused on stopping the Witchcraft Supression Act of 2007 - an outdated and horrifically inconstitutional bill that they are proposing in Mpumalanga. SAPRA (South African Pagan Rights Alliance) have come up with a far better option - a people's protection Act. It's far more suitable for modern times. Sign the petition agains this act. Show you care about having your freedom. First they stop this - where does it end? Once they get away with one infringement they will soon start on another and before you know it all your rights have gone.